Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lifestyle Changes

It took me a really long time but I do realize I can't lose weight or be healthy by dieting with a fad plan or pushing myself to the point I give up on the latest way people say they are losing weight. I've known for years that I can't tolerate carbs like potatoes, rice or bread. It isn't rocket science and I have to accept that.

So why is this time different? I can't say there is one specific reason why I am willing to do what it takes this time but I have come to the point where I am able to say no to the foods I know are not going to be good for my body.

So what did I change? I am no longer a box person. In these past six weeks I have not made my meals from anything packaged or processed by some company who vowed to make my cooking life easier. And in doing that I eliminated loads of the chemicals they used as preservatives and a whole lot of sodium.  I am amazed now to read the sodium count on some of the items I ate regularly.

To replace those quick meals, I buy meats and fresh vegetables. We are eating foods which are seasoned with fresh herbs, peppers, onions, and less salt based seasonings. If an oil is needed, I am using small amounts of olive oil instead of the vegetable oils, butters, and margarines. I unpacked the George Foreman grill and have been cooking burgers and chicken breast on it.

My grocery trips now consist of the outer aisles of the store. I stock up on fruits and fresh vegetables twice a week. The bread we do eat is a low calorie thin slice of whole wheat or a sandwich thin in either whole wheat or the one with flax seed.

To begin with I eliminated creamer from my coffee. That is the one change I have not stuck with. I do plan to figure a way to change to a skim milk or low fat milk instead of the powder cream but I decided if I have to have one vice, it is going to be my coffee the way I like it.  I have cut it back to 2 or 3 cups a day though (as opposed to the two pots a day I was drinking a year ago.)

I think dairy may be a problem for me weight wise too. I don't eat a lot but if I have a glass of milk or more than a small amount of yogurt, sour cream etc, I seem to gain. I am having a low fat cottage cheese as a snack right now. It's basically a test to see if I wind up gaining again tomorrow.

I still have a long way to go, but the small steps are best for me. The foods I have eliminated are not a problem.  There are times when I miss the cookies or snacks but if I take the time to have something that satisfies the sweet urge like fruit or sugar free jello, the craving will pass.

This morning I weighed 203.5 (.7 lb loss from yesterday)

Today I ate:
2 bananas
Beef and cheddar sandwich on cibatta (not my best choice for sure!)
Ham and cheese sandwich on sandwich thin
cottage cheese and sugar free jello

This was not my healthiest eating day for sure. I had the sandwich at lunch because I could not handle walking in the sun because my eye was watering so bad.

I had the sandwich at dinner because I was rushing to get out the door to go to a 24 hour doc to get the eye checked. This whole be-sick-in-the-summer is getting old FAST!


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