Saturday, July 7, 2012

SMD Session 2 - Day 6

I honestly feel like I have done pretty good on food intake and not eating things I should not for the last few weeks. But the scales are not showing it. I need to learn patience and how to maintain persistence I guess. I'll get there, but it is just gonna take time. I know part of my frustration right now is that I am just tired. When the baby is sick, I don't sleep well because I am constantly listening for him. I suppose I did this when my kids were little but in my 20s I coped with sleep loss a whole lot better than I am in my 50s. His eyes really still look horrible and are draining so bad.

We walked for about a half mile today around 10 AM but the heat had already moved in and neither he nor the dog were handling it well so we came back home without finishing the trek. I thought we would do more tonight, but as we were getting back to the house, I noticed his little eyes were weeping worse than ever. I don't know if it is the heat or being in the sun or being out among the grass and trees. I truly believe he is allergic to them because every single time we spend any time outside he is sick with massive congestion. This time has been the worst so far. I thought I would walk after I put him to bed but he didn't give up tonight until 9pm and now, just after 11, he is awake again. I suspect it is going to be a long night.

I gained a half pound since yesterday. July 7 weight: 206.5

What I ate today:

Breakfast: Toast, blueberries and grapes

Lunch: Thin whole wheat Pita stuffed with ham, spinach and carrots with a bowl of steamed broccoli and carrots

Dinner: Two boiled eggs made into egg salad by adding Dijon mustard and a teaspoon of plain Greek yogurt, Served on a sandwich thin bread.

Water: 48 ounces - Had hoped to make it to 64 ounces today but better luck tomorrow!


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