Yesterday, I mentioned that it would be nice to see more than a half pound loss after days where I ate right and exercised. Well the scale fairies were listening I guess - I weighed in this morning a big SIXTH TENTHS of a pound less! Don't get me wrong. I am happy for any loss but I thought it was just funny that since I asked for more than a half pound loss, I got a tenth of a pound more.
Loss is loss and for that I am thankful. My weight today was 203.6 so I at least got to see the 3 again. I am anxious to see the 3.6 gone and reintroduce myself to the 100 series again.
Today I started back on the Scarsdale Medical Diet phase. I decided my breakfast of two bananas is not helping my weight loss effort. The plan says a grapefruit or other in-season fruit so I have been having bananas because they are readily available and portable. I had grapefruit until I wound up on a medicine that contradicted with it. I considered going back to grapefruit but it is hard to eat at my desk. Something I was reading about Scarsdale adaptations suggested cauliflower as a substitute breakfast item. I know a lot of people who could not handle cauliflower in the morning but I love it so that is what I did today. I intended to have my protein toast with it but we had a morning briefing so I was late eating and bumped the toast to lunch.
My lunch was a salad which was pretty good but the packaging uses a classic marketing tool that I should not have fallen for. The front of the package in big letters IDed the calorie count as 210. That was a good count as far as I was concerned. What I neglected to do after seeing the 210 was turn the package over to notice the salad had 15 grams of sugar. Of course if I had read that before I used the vinaigrette, I would have skipped the sugary sauce all together.
I snacked on some carrots this afternoon and drank more water. I finished the day with about 65 ounces. Dinner was meatloaf made from a lean ground beef with onions, seasonings, a bit of ketchup and egg. I used pork rinds instead of bread crumbs or oats. I realize this isn't on the SMD plan but it worked for me when I did Atkins years ago. I had steamed broccoli and sliced tomatoes with it.
After dinner, Johnnie and I took a 2 mile walk. It felt good and without pushing the stroller I was able to walk at a good pace. I would still like to pick it up more but we finished the two miles in less than 30 minutes. My right foot, which is normally my good one, is giving me fits tonight though. It aches and now I think it has blisters on the sole. I can't see them yet but it sure is tender. Hope it feels better by morning.
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