Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lightning, Storms, Windshields and Painful Eyes

Today was one of those days where I would have preferred to stay in bed. It was gloomy a lot today and started raining about noon. Rain is ok but lightning and thunderstorms are a pain.  I had some paperwork to do this afternoon so I didn't take my normal route home. I crossed a different causeway. The last time I drove that causeway in a storm, this was my experience:

Yes, that is the Durango windshield with a huge tunnel grooved into it.  Lightning struck one of two power lines on the causeway, the line snapped and came down across the windshield.  We were very lucky to not be hurt. But today, watching those lightning strikes and the rain pour as I passed the location where this occurred was a stressful moment for sure. In those few moments of stress spent crossing the bridge, I wondered how our military guys and gals who have been through so much trauma can cope when they find themselves in a circumstance that reminds them of something horrible they encountered.  My little experience doesn't even come close to the stress those folks are going through.

The lightning and storms continued until it was to late to get my afternoon walk or swim in. I hope for drier days tomorrow.

I've had a month of health woes so far and it is only mid July. After the pneumonia battle, followed by what they thought was shingles pain, and the kiddo with major congestion and ear infections, I either picked up the viral or bacterial pink eye (which the pediatrician says he may or may not have had) or my eyes decided to take part in the allergies which were driving my nose and throat crazy. Either way, last week my right eye was very painful and red. I went to see a doc and was given eye drops and an ointment. I used them religiously and was very cautious about reusing washclothes or tisues or scratching the other eye without washing my hands.  Yesterday, the left eye started hurting and today it is red. The right one is still blood shot. I remember reading about the possible link between psoriatic arthritis and eye issues before so I booked another appointment for tomorrow.  I have not seen this many docs in such a short period of time in many many years.

So anyhow, back to the weight and food intake part of this blog.  Although my calorie intake was not very high today, I don't expect a loss tomorrow morn because I did not exercise.

July 17 weight: 203.8 (.3 lb loss)

What I ate today:
Two bananas
One cup chicken thighs sauteed with green peppers and onions
One cup mixed vegetables
One lean broiled hamburger with a slice of cheese on a sandwich thin
One cup cheerios


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