Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Scarsdale Medical Diet Day 2 (Session 2)

SMD Day 2 - Tuesday menus on tap for today so I started my morning with cantaloupe since I thought an extra day or so away from the grapefruit would be good. I didn't feel quite right when I woke up this morning but trudged on to work hoping to get my energy going as the day progressed.  By 10 AM, I felt lousy with rib cage pain and stabbing pains. My right arm has been bothering me since Sunday in the forearm part and today the pain increased to the muscle of the upper arm.

I've not been sick much in the past ten years but this seems to be my year I guess. I decided it best to call the doctor since I was not sure if the rib pain was the pneumonia talking to me again. They scheduled me for a walk in appointment just after lunch so I skipped the trip to the dining hall for salad and just grabbed a Burger King tendergrill sandwich on the way to the clinic.  I only ate the meat and the vegetables but I have to say I can't do this often because it was so salty it was tough to even finish it.

I had more xrays and thankfully the lungs are clear. On the downside, she thinks the pain could very well be shingles. I really didn't need another possible diagnosis but I guess knowing what to watch for is good. She gave me meds which would treat shingles so I can go ahead and take them and not wind up with a major break out on the holiday with no one in the office.

Johnnie made dinner tonight since my arm is really bothering me. We had broiled steak and steamed broccoli. I finished the night up with a small piece of crustless quiche I made earlier this week. It just doesn't seem like I ate enough today.

The scales showed a loss this morning - July 3 weight - 204.2 (.5 lb loss)

Off to take meds and get some rest.


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