Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why 53?

I've thought a lot about my weight lately. Mostly because I think it is causing my arthritis to continue to flare. I'm not coping well with having every step I take be painful but I also don't want injections for the rest of my life. A few days ago when I weighed, I was 213 pounds. Granted that is down from my highest weight but still way to high.

I am a numbers person. I think in terms of how much more (or less) something is, figure ratios and fractions in my mind, and now spend my work day crunching numbers. So those who know me would not be surprised that one number leads to another. 213 pounds is 53 pounds more than I weighed the day I retired from the Air Force. That was an eye opening number. I have GAINED 53 pounds in ten years. WOW and definitely not a good WOW.

The number 53 instantly struck me because in March, I will be 53 years old. It is not going to get any easier to take this weight off as the arthritis progresses. I need to do it now. So in the number 53, my goal is formed. I hope to take those 53 pounds I gained in the last ten years back off my body before my 53rd birthday. Read on to see how my journey is going.

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