Monday, October 8, 2012

Size Victories

I know I should not watch the scales as much as I do but it is tough not to. It hasn't budged much in August and Sept and October has been a slow loss month so far. Even though the pounds have not been falling off, I know my pants size has decreased. Last summer I was solidly into size 22 pants. In fact, I was so solidly in them, I considered buying a couple of 24s to be comfortable. When I started work at my new job last August, all the pants I bought were 22s with expandable waists.  Last week I knew I had to do something because, even with a belt, I was having trouble with my pants staying up. I can fold a large piece of them around me in the waist.

I tried going to Sears where I shopped last year but found nothing in plus size that I would even consider trying on. So this weekend I stopped by the Goodwill. I found two pair of size 18 pants and just for motivation I bought a 16 so I could work on getting into them. The 18s fit really well and surprisingly, I can get the 16s on also.  They are not comfortable but I can actually wear them if I needed to. This is the size I was wearing when I retired from the military so the size is coming off much faster than the weight. I dug back into my closet to the two suits I bought when I first went to work after retiring and I can wear those comfortably too. I am glad I bought the 16s to try. It gives me more assurance that what I am doing is working.

Looking back, I have been blogging for a little more than 4 months. In that time, I have lost 20 pounds.  If I am going to reach my 53 pound goal by my birthday, I have to pick up the pace a bit. I tried to do that through exercise tonight. I bumped the two mile walk up to three miles. I won't be able to do this every day but hope I can get three miles in a couple of times a week.

I also have returned to a modified version of Scarsdale. Today I had a piece of crustless quiche for breakfast, a salad for lunch and some ham, broccoli and another salad for dinner. I drank almost 64 ounces of water and hope for I can increase water intake this week also.

My current weight is 192.7. I have been this weight for three days. I hope tomorrow morning I can drop at least the .7.


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