Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recovery and Maintaining Weight Loss

Last Saturday, the weekend doc decided they had waited on antibiotics long enough and called the surgeon in to look at the swelling under my arm. Later that day, they drained the abscess. I am thankful they knocked me out to do it.  Although the incision is less than two inches, the surgeon said the amount of infection was extensive and healing will be a long process.

Sunday they let me come home after blowing two more veins trying to get more vancomycin in me.  They sent me home on antibiotics and with pain pills. Tuesday I went to the wound care center to have the packing removed and repacked. Not a pleasant process! When the packing was finally out, the nurse measured it - 52 inches of two inch gauze had been used to pack the canal area the infection had created.

I am now set up for home health to come change the packing daily to keep the incision open so the wound can heal from the inside out. The surgical culture was positive for staph infection even though  I had no external wound/sore. I am hoping the healing goes quickly. Right now my big challenge is dealing with the tape and sore spots it is creating.
I am not back to exercise yet but have been trying to keep my diet healthy.
My goal tomorrow is to get back to 32 oz of water and work back to 64. My current weight is 197 lbs so I am not gaining and hope when I can walk again, I can start losing again.

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